Last month, CNN retracted a story falsely accusing the U.S. military of using nerve gas on Vietnam defectors. Three weeks ago, The Cincinnati Enquirer printed a front-page apology to Chiquita for an exposé based on information gathered in an “unlawful and unethical” manner. The New Republic recently fired a staffer for quoting fictionalized sources in dozens of articles. What do you think about the credibility and accountability of the media?
“As long as the anchorperson reads the entire press release, there should be no danger of inaccurate reporting.”
Sandra Munson • Opthamologist
“I, too, have been burned by the media. You’d think if it says, ’Petite SWF, 22,’ she wouldn’t look like Delta Burke.”
Chris Dent • Data Technician
“I recently read a report in
Richard Nettles • Architect
“Aw, who cares? It’s not like a well-informed public was essential to the functioning of a democracy or anything.”
Keith Chambliss • Florist
“I wish journalism would return to its glory days, when principled, incorruptible men like William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer were in charge.”
Vanessa Jackson • Piano Teacher
“You know that anchorwoman Katie Dibble on Channel 12? She went to my high school, and I, like, totally fucked her.”
Randall Guidry • Systems Analyst