Across the nation, citizens are glued to their TV sets for war coverage. What do you think of the job the media are doing?
“I watch the Fox News Channel, because they’re unbiased and support the war 100 percent.”
Michael Crane • Systems Analyst
“One week into the conflict, it’s still unclear who will emerge as this war’s Arthur ’Scud Stud’ Kent.”
Amanda Criss • Nutritionist
“Can’t we skip all that disturbing night-vision bombing stuff and go straight to the jubilant liberation footage?”
Andrea Lytle • Homemaker
“I watch Al-Jazeera on satellite but turn the sound off and listen to NPR. I have no idea what the fuck is happening.”
Gordon Jackson • Architect
“I’m hoping there will be helmet-mounted soldier-cams to be outraged by.”
Dan Durkee • Roofer
“Talk about your boring reruns.”
Mitchell Fawkes • Electrician