
Mars Rover's Discoveries

After completing a difficult landing on the Martian surface last week, NASA’s car-sized rover Curiosity has begun deploying its highly advanced cameras and instruments, which will provide the most thorough data on the Red Planet yet. Here are several of its early discoveries:

A few inches below the layer of dirt on the surface lies another, slightly thicker, layer of dirt

Internet connection really slow

Everything’s still pretty much the same as the last few times we landed rovers on Mars

Vibe on planet really weird and off-putting

Planet’s 24-hour-40-minute day provides perfect amount of extra time for light afternoon nap and crossword

Previous Mars robots have formed a tribe

After journey of hundreds of millions of miles and painstaking analysis of rocks and soil, found that the very best planet was at home all along

It’s going to die out here alone on this cold red rock, isn’t it?