
Many Animals Harmed In Catering Of Film

LOS ANGELES—More than 50 animal-rights activists picketed outside the gates of 20th Century Fox studios Monday to protest the fact that hundreds of animals were harmed by craft services on the set of Mel Gibson’s Night Of The Desert Rose. “Nearly 400 chickens, 14 steer, and thousands of shrimp were viciously killed in the making of this movie,” protester and PETA member Jacqueline Zimmer said. “And these weren’t dignified deaths. Some of these animals were deboned and had their skin ripped off before being fileted, sautéed, and placed atop a bed of so-so rice.” Cinemeals, Inc. issued a statement that read in part, “Although we regret the need to kill animals, sometimes sacrifices must be made in the service of voraciousness.”