
Man Who Only Recently Cracked Code On ‘Buck Fush’ Still Puzzling Over ‘Let’s Go, Brandon’

GLENBROOK, IL—Turning the words over in his head in a dogged attempt to understand their import, Ted Dobbes, a local man who just recently cracked the code behind “Buck Fush,” reportedly spent Tuesday puzzling over the phrase “Let’s Go, Brandon.” “Okay, well I can certainly rule out ‘Let’s Bo, Grandon,’ because that’s simply nonsense, and it doesn’t seem to be a reference to a historical event or literary figure,” said Dobbes, 45, a self-described amateur cryptographer who had spent the last nineteen years rooting out the hidden message behind the popular anti-Bush slogan, but now found himself facing his most difficult challenge yet. “I’ve spent hours writing out every possible anagram and flipping the words every which way. I’ve even held the letters up to a mirror in case that does anything, but I still can’t wrap my head around it. Think, Ted! Think.” At press time, Dobbes had reluctantly filed away “Let’s Go, Brandon” in his mental catalogue of indecipherable enigmas alongside the word “TRE45ON” and an image of Calvin urinating on the phrase “Hope And Change.”