
Man’s Problems Really Don’t Seem So Bad After Therapist Completely Trivializes Them

DENVER—Feeling like an entirely different person by the end of his 50-minute session, local man Dan Grady confirmed Tuesday that his problems really didn’t seem so bad now that his therapist had completely trivialized them. “It helped a lot to just talk to someone and have her reframe my most painful thoughts and fears as minor issues that are apparently not much cause for concern,” Grady said of his $120-an-hour therapist, who reportedly set down her iPad for the first time during the session in order to show him out of her office. “She put things in perspective by making me feel like I was probably overreacting to the persistent, debilitating depression that makes it impossible for me to experience joy in any part of my life. I guess this is why people go to therapy—to have someone play down their despair, their feelings of worthlessness, and their near-constant suicidal ideation.” Grady added that in the future he wouldn’t bother booking an appointment and wasting his therapist’s time, as he now felt empowered to handle his own problems and “end them once and for all.”