
Man Doesn’t Want To Be One Of Those Couples That Spends Time Together

ALBUQUERQUE, NM—Saying he would hate to see them make the same mistake so many others in romantic relationships seemed to make, area man Sam Veitch explained Wednesday to his girlfriend, Sandra Rice, that he didn’t want to become one of those couples that spent time together. “You just see it so much—two people start dating, it gets serious, and then all of a sudden, they find themselves in each other’s company, sometimes for hours on end,” said Veitch, adding that he had watched his parents get caught in a tired pattern of being around each other and wanted to avoid such a pitfall in his own love life. “I think it comes from this naïve, storybook view of romance that says when you love someone, you’re supposed to do things like go to the movies, try out a new restaurant, have conversations, or just relax together. I’ve had a lot of friends who started spending time with their partners, and it’s really kind of sad. Some of them text or actually call each other on the phone. I mean, this is 2022. It’s time for healthy relationships to evolve beyond that.” When faced with pushback on the issue from Rice, Veitch patiently stated that if anything, not spending time with her had made him love her more.