Man Does What He Convinced Himself He Loves For A Living

MILWAUKEE—Explaining with a deep sense of self-delusion that his job provides a “perfect outlet” for both his creative and analytic sides, BTX Communications employee Matthew Krueger confirmed to reporters Thursday that he does exactly what he has convinced himself he loves for a living. “It’s rare that people get to spend every day at work doing what they’re most passionate about, so I’m really fortunate,” the 29-year-old said enthusiastically of the position, which over the past three years has been transformed in Krueger’s mind from a stopgap to pay off student loans to his “dream job.” “It’s essentially what I’ve wanted to do since I was a kid, so it’s wonderful that [I’m trapped here for the foreseeable future, and I’ll just continue repeating ‘this is a fulfilling career’ to myself until it sounds true]. Plus, to actually get paid to do this? Honestly, I couldn’t be happier.” Krueger then assured reporters that he’s one of the luckiest people he knows, after taking into consideration the longtime girlfriend he has persuaded himself is his soulmate.