Man At Bar Has Incredibly Complicated Reason For Why He Enjoys Rolling Rock

IDAHO FALLS, ID—Misinterpreting a bartender’s raised eyebrow as an unspoken question, Kenny’s Bar patron Neil Plottman delivered a long, convoluted explanation Wednesday as to why he ordered a Rolling Rock beer. “Well, when I was in college in Philly, me and my friend used to drink this all the time,” Plottman said. “Plus there’s the whole supporting-local-businesses thing, and the cool ’33’ on the label there, which not a lot of people know is a Masonic thing. Not a bad beer, once you get used to it.” Plottman then ruined a game of darts by explaining to the uninterested players what he would drink if Rolling Rock wasn’t available and why he had to drink beer out of a mug instead of a pilsner glass.