NEW YORK—Lamenting the clear changes in the comedian’s material after an almost yearlong absence from the stage, local Louis C.K. fan Jeremy Draeving was reportedly disappointed at the lack of psychosexual power games in the stand-up’s set at the Comedy Cellar on Sunday. “I’ve always loved how real and honest Louis C.K.’s material was, but this new set completely left out all the fucked-up sexual manipulation stuff that’s been his trademark for so long,” said Draeving, who recounted his initial excitement at the comedian’s return following his 2017 sexual misconduct allegations and explained that his enthusiasm quickly soured as it became clear C.K.’s usual warts-and-all style of comedy would skip right over his predilection for cornering female comedians and forcing them to watch him masturbate. “I just thought his set would focus more on exploiting vulnerable women in his field for his own gratification. I mean, what makes Louis C.K. special is that he has so many layers, like how his actions were not only sexually inappropriate, but also a deliberate abuse of power against those with less influence in the industry—women whose careers and personal lives would be irreparably damaged as a result. I guess he sort of mentioned jacking off a little, but it seemed pretty disconnected from the stuff about his management threatening to derail these women’s careers if they told anyone about it, or about how traumatic and shameful the experience must’ve been for them in the moment. Man, he’s really not the same now.” Draeving went on to complain about the glaring lack of physical and emotional abuse evident during Chris Hardwick’s recent return to Talking Dead.
Louis C.K. Fan Disappointed At Lack Of Psychosexual Power Games In New Material
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