
Little-Known Facts About The Founding Fathers

On the Fourth of July, citizens across the country will gather with friends and family to celebrate the United States of America and the Founding Fathers who established our democracy. Here are some facts you may not know about the founders of our country:

While drafting the Declaration of Independence, the Founding Fathers roasted and ate one bald eagle every night

Many of the original Founding Fathers toured the world after 1776 to found several other countries besides the United States, including Thailand, Lichtenstein, and Uruguay

Many of the Founding Fathers opposed slavery, but, you know, not really enough to do anything about it

All of them were Caucasian

The Founding Fathers’ average net worth, when not adjusted for inflation, would make them among the poorest Americans in the modern U.S.

The Founding Fathers were all villainous traitors to the glorious British Empire

One of the fondest memories many of the Founding Fathers wrote of was when Benjamin Franklin said, “John, can you hand me that pen?” and then both John Jay and John Adams looked up

Though he didn’t tell anyone, Thomas Jefferson secretly hated liberty

In today’s dollars, the Founding Fathers owe more than $25.8 million in back child support

There were no Founding Fathers named Kevin

After briefly questioning whether such a stipulation could open the door to widespread violence among American citizens, the Founding Fathers decided to leave the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights, as it seemed pretty clear that it pertained solely to regulated military units

The Founding Fathers have never once rolled over in their graves

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper