Last week, Rush Limbaugh accused Michael J. Fox of exaggerating his Parkinson’s disease symptoms in an ad promoting stem-cell research. Here are Limbaugh’s other recent targets, and his reasons for attacking them:
Unborn babies: For having tempting stem cells to begin with
Slipknot: Were excellent in beginning, but did not show growth necessary to ensure a band’s sustained success
Ann Coulter: Attacked 9/11 widows before he had a chance to
That Mongoloid kid back in coach: His nonstop screaming made it impossible to enjoy screening of Failure To Launch
Girl Scout Troop #93: Ran out of Samoas before reaching his home
His listeners: Did not agree quickly enough
Cigar Aficionado Editor-In-Chief Marvin Shanken: Failed to accurately portray Limbaugh’s love of cigars
God: Endowed him with far too much talent