
Laffy Taffy Writer Disdains Bazooka

ITASCA, IL—Bruce Palmer, a writer and editor for Nestle’s “Laffy Taffy” line of joke-bearing fruit-flavored chews, holds Topps Bazooka gum and its line of complimentary comic art in sneering contempt, he revealed Monday. “Don’t get me wrong: In the Golden Age of the 1970s and 1980s, Bazooka Joe was amazing—a big influence on me,” the 43-year-old Palmer said. “But when Topps went all corporate, and the P.C. suits made them dump [sombrero-clad mischief-maker] Pesty, it all went downhill.” Palmer went on to dismiss Bazooka as “a stain on the proud literary genre of candy-wrapper humor.”

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