Bobby Bright (D) vs. Martha Roby (R)
Time to eat a 72-ounce steak:
Bright: Didn’t finish
Roby: 25 minutes, 17 seconds
Knows what a congressman does:
Bright: Yes
Roby: Sorta
Imaginary friend:
Bright: Darius, who sees value in all cultures
Roby: Galt, who thinks we’re destroying the profit motive
Character-building childhood experience:
Bright: Picking cotton
Roby: Attending Billy Ray Cyrus’ Some Gave All tour
Campaign song:
Bright: “Sweet Home Alabama”
Roby: “Sweet Home Alabama” (live version)
Campaign promise:
Bright: State will finally surpass Mississippi to claim the 49th spot in at least one quality-of-life ranking
Roby: Challenge Nancy Pelosi to a duel