In the wake of President Trump’s proposed immigration ban targeting largely Muslim countries, The Onion separates myth from fact regarding the religion of Islam.
MYTH: Donald Trump wants to personally see to it that all Muslims are barred from coming into the United States
FACT: This desire is the collective will of the millions of Americans who voted for him based on this promise
MYTH: Americans should be afraid of Muslims
FACT: Americans should be afraid of golden poison dart frogs
MYTH: The word “jihad,” though misunderstood in the West, means an “internal struggle” in pursuit of a goal
FACT: The word “jihad” means that the news article will require a moderated comments section
MYTH: The Catholic Reformation would likely not even have occurred without the Ottoman protection of Martin Luther
FACT: You’re upsetting your mother. Just drop it.
MYTH: “Islam” refers to the religion itself, and “Muslim” is the term for a follower of that religion
FACT: The terms are interchangeable when screamed outside a courthouse in a cloud of red-faced anger
MYTH: The Quran is 90 percent bomb schematics
FACT: Rush Limbaugh walked back that statement somewhat in a later segment
MYTH: Islam explicitly condones violence and aggression
FACT: Like all other major religions, Islam offers a hopeful message promptly corrupted by a reliable handful of assholes
MYTH: Muslims hate America
FACT: Many Muslims, both immigrants and citizens, love and embrace life in this country, somehow