With the divorce rate continuing to soar, some family advocates are calling for legislation making it more difficult to dissolve a marriage. What do you think about toughening divorce laws?
“Can’t these fat-cat legislators in Washington figure out some way to make two people love each other?”
Kenny Cooper • Construction Worker
“With divorces so easy to obtain, what kind of message are we sending our children—that it’s okay to not like being unhappy?”
Adrian Pulsipher • Podiatrist
“Before a couple gets a divorce, the least they can do is have one last baby to try to save the marriage.”
Pamela Hyland • Systems Analyst
“Our divorce laws need to protect the
Theodore Kolb • Roofer
“Friend, I’ve been through it. And law or no law, nothing is more heartbreaking than losing that 60 percent higher tax deduction for filing jointly.”
Jon Loftus • Math Teacher
“You mean people can still get married? That bastard lied to me!”
Irene Abrams • Pharmacist