Attempting to shield teens from violent imagery, U.S. cinema owners agreed last week to require young people to show photo IDs when buying tickets for R-rated movies. What do you think?
“Man, when I hear adults talk about carding me for a stupid movie, it makes me want to get a bunch of guns and shoot everyone at my school.”
James Goltz • Student
“What’s wrong with a bit of the old ultra-violence? Sometimes a droog needs a good tolchock on the old gulliver, O my brothers.”
Richard Borgmann • Bond Trader
“I’m just glad that when I see the
Dana Wynegar • Florist
“Well, you have to admit that similar measures have put an end to underage drinking.”
Michelle Kusick • Speech Pathologist
“Shit, man, this blows. I’m 43, but I don’t have any ID.”
Fred Hisle • Systems Analyst
“There’s a statute of limitations on this, right? Because I got into
Isaac Brye • Dishwasher