
Humans Used Tools Earlier Than Thought

According to the current issue of Nature, scientists found two scored mammal bones demonstrating that humanoids used tools to cut meat 3.39 million years ago, nearly a million years earlier than previously thought. What do you think?

Tom Ribot • Pad Assembler

“That’s pretty clever if the tool was a knife, but pretty dumb if they were trying to use a spoon to cut meat.”

Tom Ribot • Pad Assembler

Sandy Quine • Third Assistant Engineer

“Just today I was using scissors and felt them cut through a coupon with the ease of 3.39 million years’ experience encoded into my genes.”

Sandy Quine • Third Assistant Engineer

Frank Richards • Stamping-Press Operator

“You don’t need to tell me how cool humans are, sir. I already know.”

Frank Richards • Stamping-Press Operator