Public school districts in the United States receive billions of taxpayer dollars in state and federal funding every year to pay for teacher salaries, school bus transportation, building maintenance, counseling services, and more. Here’s a dollar-by-dollar breakdown of how schools spend funding for each school year:
$100,000: Installation of bleacher seating in back of overflowing classrooms
$300: Age-appropriate movies superficially related to textbook curriculum
$450,000: Getting Twyla Tharp to choreograph high school’s production of Anything Goes
$1,000: Annual classroom globe updating
$8 million: Workforce to carve compartments into cafeteria trays
$300: Vintage crackling sound for PA systems
$1.2 million: Construction of observation decks for parents to watch students learn
$50,000: Annual salary of employee who periodically makes sure students and teachers in portables are still alive
$2,000: DuPont Research & Development grant to innovate better elbow macaroni glue
$450/hr: Lawyer who will make Coach Henderson situation all go away
$500,000: Classroom assistants for intellectually challenged teachers
$800: Pink slips