With millennials overtaking baby boomers as the biggest generation of consumers ever, companies around the nation are introducing new products, creating social media accounts, and pursuing philanthropic causes to appeal to this tech-savvy, socially conscious demographic. Here are some ways different companies are making themselves over and launching initiatives to target millennials:
National Arboretum: Re-promoting deciduous trees on Facebook ahead of changing seasons
ExxonMobil: Introducing new brand of cold-brew gasoline
Arby’s: New roast beef you can vape
Kay Jewelers: Changing tagline to “Every Kiss Begins With Explicit Consent”
Monsanto: Redesigning corn with sleeker profile
Prudential: Free ukulele lessons with every purchase of life insurance policy over $100,000
Campbell’s: Introducing line of caffeinated energy soups
Facebook: Making a Twitter account
Southwest Airlines: All flights now run exclusively from Seattle to Austin
Merck: Customers can vote on which ingredients to include in drugs
Subway: Offering an ‘All Sriracha’ sub
PetSmart: For an extra $10, employees will lie and tell you that it’s a rescue dog