You’ve already been subjected to scorn and derision. With hot summer weather coming, you can now add extreme physical discomfort to the things you will endure when sporting that long black velvet cape.
Your friends will soon hold an intervention to take away your barge pole, wide-brimmed white straw hat, and Chianti bottle in an effort to stop your wanton and dangerous gondoliering.
Taurus includes the stars of the Pleiades—mentioned in the Bible and instrumental in the design of the Pyramids—but these beauties are just one of the many reasons to visit the most popular constellation in the Zodiac.
Actually, a goatsucker is an order of insect-eating nocturnal birds that includes the whippoorwill and the nighthawk, you pervert.
You’ve never been afraid to learn the lessons of history, which is why your solution to everything is nuking Japan.
You’ll be found guilty of 12,582 counts of bee murder and given the responsibility of pollinating every flower in your immediate neighborhood for 11 years.
Change is long overdue in your life, but sadly, the Zodiac can no longer find a place in the budget for such outdated expenditures.
You’ve always reported the incidents as “drive-by shootings,” but that may not be the proper term to describe your situation, wherein everyone you drive by shoots at you.
Word to the wise: Although your baby is indeed badly in need of a new pair of shoes, it is not likely that any situation involving dice is likely to produce said shoes.
With NASA under increased pressure to perform and to curry public favor, they’re seriously considering using cutting-edge technology to launch you into orbit.
Once, you were just the infant found in a city dumpster. Now, you’re known nationwide as “that guy who’s lived his entire life in the dumpster where he was found as an infant.”
Your exuberance at suddenly discovering you can fly is muted somewhat when the discovery happens during your tour of the White House, causing you to be blown out of the air by vigilant F-15 pilots.