
Horoscope for the week of January 14, 2004

You suspect that personal feelings are taking priority over scientific endeavor when NASA announces they’ll rocket your fat ass into orbit later this year.

Sleep is hard to come by this week, as you struggle to understand why no one has yet come out with Jalapeño Cheese Wings.

You’re not the kind of person who constantly goes around saying the sky is falling, which makes you ill-equipped to cope with the events of this Thursday.

You’re ready to put that bad relationship and all its painful memories behind you, but unfortunately, it’ll be available on DVD starting next week.

Your credulity will be stretched to the limit by the circumstances under which only you can control the giant robot.

You knew your mitochondria had their own DNA, but you had no idea that their taste in clothes was so different.

You’re coming to regret that, when the choice was made available to you, you went with neither hugs nor drugs.

You’ll make big news in Biblical archaeology when you find evidence that Job’s trials included a four-year stint as head coach of the Chicago Bears.

You’ve never been afraid to make bold statements concerning what you’re all about, which leaves a lot of people emotionally unsatisfied by your ending.

You don’t like using the words “wacky,” “nutty,” or “zany,” but you’ll find it hard to describe the inept band of crooks in any other way.

Your moral values foster the brotherhood of man under the fatherhood of God, which doesn’t stop you from downloading tons of “mother-daughter” smut.

When all is said and done, only you can make yourself feel bad. But that won’t keep everyone else from trying.