
Heroin Use On Rise In U.S.

A new CDC report found that heroin use in the United States has surged dramatically in the past decade, up 150 percent between 2007 and 2013, and suggested that excessive painkiller prescriptions are to blame for the rise in heroin addiction and abuse. What do you think?

Vincent Waren • Trapeze Insurer

“Not to brag, but I’ve been addicted to heroin since the ’80s.”

Vincent Waren • Trapeze Insurer

Howard Clayton • Loader-Unloader

“It’s always exciting when our society finds a new way to wreck urban communities.”

Howard Clayton • Loader-Unloader

Clarice Sutton • Produce Weigher

“It’s like the ‘Just Say No’ episode of

Clarice Sutton • Produce Weigher