AURORA, IL—Praising the competitive program for shaping the young girl into the obsessive woman she would one day become, sources confirmed Tuesday that local 10-year-old Sofia Haliday’s after school gymnastics club was giving her the self-discipline needed to sustain an eating disorder for life. “She has a great team of coaches constantly pushing her to get out of her comfort zone and endure not just pain, but even suffering,” said Amy Haliday, the girl’s mother, who boasted that the child was training for 20 hours a week at the elite club giving her a body image that would plague her well into adulthood. “She may be young, but there’s actually no better time to brainwash children into valuing an idealized body type above all else. Even when gymnastics is no longer part of her life, I hope she’ll still be counting every calorie and spending every minute of the day worrying whether there’s more she could be doing to maintain a rail-thin frame.” At press time, the girl’s mother added with pride that she, too, was of course partially responsible.
Gymnastics Program Gives Child Self-Discipline Needed To Sustain Lifelong Eating Disorder
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