Greatest Moments Of Tony La Russa's Career

After winning his third World Series, Cardinals manager Tony La Russa has announced his retirement. We look back on a career that encompassed the steroid era, the moneyball craze, and a lot of irascibility.

1991: Tony La Russa Baseball video game receives critical acclaim for its authentic simulation of standing in a dugout while displaying no emotion

1992: Master strategist La Russa sets an MLB record by having nine consecutive A’s pitchers throw only one pitch before taking them out

1995: Achieves enough confidence as a manager to no longer feel stupid wearing a full baseball uniform and a jacket at the same time

1998: Aids Mark McGwire’s run to 62 homers by looking other way while force-feeding him andro supplements

2005: In proudest moment of his life, somehow avoids subpoena from Congress during steroid investigation

2006: The Cardinals drastically improve once La Russa’s doctors tell him he’s too old to run onto the field between every pitch and physically adjust everyone’s position

2007: Gets arrested for DUI to show players he’s still cool and relatable

2008: Stays up all night laughing maniacally after devising a batting lineup of all pitchers