NEW YORK—Saying that the affair was rapidly deteriorating into a boondoggle that should have been resolved months ago, presidential lawyer Rudy Giuliani demanded Thursday that Special Counsel Robert Mueller stop wasting taxpayer money, wrap up his investigation immediately, and imprison the president no later than September. “This inquiry into President Trump’s dealings with Russia has clearly run its course, and it’s high time that the FBI cuts to the chase and arrests him for his crimes,” said Giuliani, adding that the special counsel’s investigation into Trump’s business practices was “a step too far” and that Mueller’s team almost certainly had enough information on election interference alone to incarcerate the president before Labor Day. “The American people deserve better than this. If the special counsel were any sort of professional, he would publicly admit what everyone knows—that he has all the evidence he needs to build an airtight case against Trump. Dragging this out is a disgrace, a mockery of our legal system. Look, we’re just asking for Mueller to convict the president by the midterms, or the White House will ask Congress to dissolve his team and put Trump in prison ourselves.” In a clear challenge to Mueller’s authority, Giuliani then reported to Hazelton Federal Penitentiary to serve a three-to-five year service for aiding and abetting treasonous behavior against the United States.
Giuliani Demands Mueller Wrap Up Investigation And Imprison President By September
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