
George Zimmerman Auctions Off Gun Used To Kill Trayvon Martin

Saying he considers it a piece of American history, George Zimmerman announced plans to auction off the handgun with which he shot unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012. What do you think?

Danny Wirtz • Talent Appraiser

“Oh, that’s perfect. My sicko wife’s birthday is coming up.”

Danny Wirtz • Talent Appraiser

Jack Frenk • Poultry Weigher

“When you’ve already sunk as low as a human being can go, it makes no sense to leave money on the table.”

Jack Frenk • Poultry Weigher

Pamela Ricette • Leather Distresser

“Ideally the highest bidder won’t be some racist lunatic with a hero complex held up by other racist lunatics with hero complexes as a laudable defender of Second Amendment rights.”

Pamela Ricette • Leather Distresser