
Gay Marriage

Last week, the Massachusetts high court sanctioned same-sex marriages in that state. What do you think?

Karl Collins • Mechanical Engineer

“Same-sex unions will only serve to weaken the institution of marriage for the rest of us. My wife and I can barely stand each other as it is.”

Karl Collins • Mechanical Engineer

Joe Perez • Waiter

“How will they decide who’s going to wear the wedding dress?! Whoa! Sorry for being so ’politically incorrect’!”

Joe Perez • Waiter

Frances Evans • Producer

“What’s the big deal? It’s legal now. My sister’s married to a gay guy and everyone knows it.”

Frances Evans • Producer

Walter Hill • Systems Analyst

“Great. Just when I finally get my mother to accept that I’m gay, she has a whole new thing to nag me about: getting married.”

Walter Hill • Systems Analyst

Jerry Turner • Musician

“Some fag better not try marrying me. These days, you fuck a guy one time and he pulls out a ring.”

Jerry Turner • Musician

Diane Morris • Counselor

“As an overweight, emotionally needy fag hag, I strongly oppose all gay marriage legislation.”

Diane Morris • Counselor