
Gabby Giffords Tells Congress To Act On Gun Control

Former Arizona representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in the head in 2011, delivered the opening remarks yesterday at a congressional hearing on gun violence that later featured testimony from NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre. What do you think?

Janet Mooney • Unemployed

“Come on. If everyone who got shot felt the need to speak to Congress about gun control, we’d never hear the end of it.”

Janet Mooney • Unemployed

Larry Campisi • Block Maker

“Think of the courage, strength, and determination it took to come back and address the nation like LaPierre did after these shootings.”

Larry Campisi • Block Maker

Alonzo Marshall • Herbarium Curator

“Until I hear the side of a deranged mass shooter I don’t know what to think.”

Alonzo Marshall • Herbarium Curator