
Features Of Motorola’s New Moto X Smartphone

All right, so, The Onion would like to sincerely apologize for not putting together this infographic about the new Moto X smartphone, since we frankly did not expect anyone to actually click on it. This post seemed like a good idea when originally conceived, but when it came down to actually doing research and then writing and editing the post, it just didn’t seem like a wise use of company time and resources. Ultimately, we felt that no one would really want to read about the Moto X—after all, this is not a new iPhone or a product with a comparable sense of global anticipation. There are high expectations for web traffic here at The Onion, and, to be completely honest, this hasn’t been the best traffic week (or month, for that matter), so we decided to devote our efforts to posts we thought would actually be viewed by readers. Now, you might be asking yourself why we would even publish the article at all if we knew no one was going to click on it, and that’s a reasonable question. A totally reasonable question. Unfortunately, we just don’t have a good answer to that question right now. Things are pretty confusing around here.

Anyway, should you still want to read about the Moto X, we suggest following this link to the tech blog TechCrunch, which will in all likelihood have some sort of comprehensive breakdown of this new Motorola mobile device: http://techcrunch.com