WASHINGTON—Suggesting a disturbing pattern of behavior stretching back decades, the Federal Bureau of Investigation announced Wednesday that convicted murderer Derek Chauvin closely matches the profile of a mysterious blue-uniformed killer behind hundreds more unsolved slayings nationwide. “The suspect’s M.O. is clear. He dons a blue uniform much like Mr. Chauvin’s, stalks unarmed men who are disproportionately Black, and often obsessively uses the same three murder tactics: a nightstick, sidearm, or choke hold,” said FBI chief Christopher Wray, noting that the Blue Hat Killer, as the murderer was known, could be linked to hundreds of cold cases in Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Milwaukee, Houston, and other major cities and towns across America. “There may even be some sort of fetishistic aspect as well, because many bystanders report this individual continually carries around handcuffs, which I would add Mr. Chauvin had on his person. Frankly, if we can confirm he was responsible for these horrific deaths, it would finally bring much-needed relief to thousands of families who despaired about ever receiving justice.” Wray added that time was of the essence in substantiating the link due to testimony suggesting the Blue Hat Killer kept even more still-living victims locked away in dingy lightless cells.
FBI Says Chauvin Matches Profile Of Blue-Uniformed Killer Behind Hundreds More Unsolved Murders
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