Fair-Weather Friend Only Calls When He Needs Trivia Answer On Live Game Show

LONDON—Picking up the phone with excitement, local woman Sally Hartford’s mood reportedly soured Tuesday after realizing her friend was only calling because he needed a trivia answer on a live game show again. “Hey! I’ve been meaning to call you, actually, my mom is in the hosp—oh, you want to know what the largest freshwater aquifer is?” said Hartford, who responded with audible frustration as she mentioned that this was the third time in a row her friend Daniel had called out of the blue with the sound of a loud artificial clock ticking in the background. “I only ever hear from you when you’re stuck on a multiple choice question with thousands of viewers watching and one million pounds at stake. Would we even be friends if you didn’t need to know when the Suez Canal was constructed? Even when you do call, I know I’m only playing second fiddle to polling the audience, and I’m tired of it.” Hartford went on to lament that any time she called from the hot seat on the set of a television game show, her friend let it go to voicemail.