For every Around The Horn, ESPN has produced a Stump The Schwab. Some other properties from the Worldwide Leader that never made the cut:
Engolfed: Scott Van Pelt immerses viewers in the week’s latest golf news while buried neck-deep in a bunker
Three-Point Land: A kid’s show that takes place in the mystical land “beyond the arc,” starring Jared Dudley and Mo Williams
E:720: A panel of reporters dig so deep into their stories, they realize it’s all just a game and none of this really matters in the grand scheme of things
Jim Rome’s Burning Sensation: As in other incarnations of his programs, the often controversial and hard-to-watch host winces in pain and lets out a series of guttural sounds while clutching his crotch
Fists In Focus: Prominent boxers discuss their favorite techniques for tightly closing their hands and give punching demonstrations by pounding the shit out of the studio audience
The Bronx Is Fine: An eight-part miniseries in which the 1996 Yankees don’t really have to overcome much to win the World Series and America is doing well—really well, actually