ESPN Thinks It Can Just Casually Call Something 'Confed Cup'

BRISTOL, CT—Expressing confusion and annoyance upon reading the phrase, sources confirmed Wednesday that someone at ESPN thinks it’s okay to call something the “Confed Cup” with no further context or explanation. “The Confed Cup? What is that? What makes them think they can get away with that?” said Lima, OH resident Dan Burrowes, 34, referring to a headline mentioning widespread riots at whatever the fuck the Confed Cup is. “You only abbreviate things if people know what you’re talking about. Like the Pres Cup. It’s pretty easy to guess that’s the Presidents Cup. But you sure as shit don’t go and call anything the Confed Cup. Not unless you’re speaking to a roomful of tennis fans, or Civil War enthusiasts, or whoever is supposed to understand what that means.” Burrowes, who said he didn’t have time to look it up right now, told reporters that he would probably check back later to see who won.

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper