WASHINGTON—Saying they didn’t want to waste any more time dicking around, members of the U.S. Senate began Elena Kagan’s Supreme Court confirmation hearing Monday by asking the solicitor general point-blank if she had the goods to join the nation’s highest court. “I got your master’s thesis in front of me, I got some speeches you made while you were the dean of Harvard Law School, but Kagan, let’s cut the shit: You gonna be able to bring it or not?” Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) asked the former Clinton policy adviser. “Because the American people deserve a justice who won’t crumble like a cupcake and run home to mommy when Second-Amendment-ruling time comes around.” After indicating that she was “fucking born ready,” Kagan was confirmed in a unanimous 100-0 vote.
Elena Kagan Asked Straight Up: 'You Got What It Takes?'
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