Many NBA fans suspected that something was wrong with NBA officiating long before the Donaghy scandal broke. Official review of the games he worked reveals the following suspicious behavior on Donaghy’s part:
Presided over first shutout in NBA history
Called a three-second violation on Shaquille O’Neal while O’Neal was out for three weeks with a hamstring injury
Once counted all the points scored by Suns gorilla mascot during halftime show toward game total in order to bring score within 11 points
Told friends that his favorite movie would be Forget Paris if Billy Crystal’s NBA referee character was secretly working for the Mafia
Was reportedly seen sprinting off the court in an attempt to escape a “fan” who had been giving him the throat-slashing signal the entire game
Would sometimes tell players that, if they missed free throws, “they’ll kill me and my children”
Usually seemed distracted while refereeing, as if performing complex mathematical calculations in his head
During crucial playoff games, Donaghy was regularly seen kneeling in front of scorer’s table with his eyes closed and fingers crossed, chanting “Please please please please”
Joined the on-court celebration when the Spurs won the Finals