DNC Coverage: A New Dawn

I slept in today (I deserved it!) and took my time getting to the Con. I’ll be honest with you, after the way Denver has treated me the past three days, I thought about going home early. But my journalist instinct said I should stay—and how right I was, as you’ll soon learn!

I got to the beautiful Pepsi Cola Center area and discovered that all of the security fences and x-ray doo-dads had been taken down. “What gives?” I asked a fellow reporter. He told me everyone was going to the Investorco Mile High Stadium, home of the two-time Superbowl champs, the Denver Broncos. Those speeches last night must have been really boring because reporters were leaving in droves—in fact they were leaving in droven buses.

It was at that moment that fate dealt me a “Royal Flush”! As that reporter paused to tie his shoe, I saw a blue piece of plastic nearly falling out of his back pocket. Printed on this were the letters “CNN.”

It was destiny handed down to me by our Creator. With lightning or cat-like reflex, I slipped that blue plastic into my hands and wished the fellow a good day.

The way I see it, any reporter sneaking off to see a ballgame when he’s supposed to be covering a convention doesn’t deserve the CNN Fancy Grill. I don’t care how seemingly close the stadium is. You made a pledge to do your job—honor it!

For once, the battle axe at the gate had no recourse but to let me step inside. What I found was Shangri-la. Here’s the bar:

CNN is obviously branching out in what they do and I say that’s a smart move. They now have their own beer. Look for it in your local liquor store!

I don’t think I’m making a hasty judgement when I say that the Best Political Team on Television has the Best Men’s Room in Denver! Not to mention the prettiest waitresses.

The best part? Everything in the Fancy Grill is absolutely free. FREE! Only in America.


LATE UPDATE: August 28, 2008 5:06 PM

As the sun begins to go down, please enjoy this beautiful panarama view from the CNN Fancy Grill:

I wish you readers could be here with me, but alas, you cannot—not without that blue plastic pass. God chose me to be here, and I’m doing right by him by sharing what I can with you on the Superhighway.

As I look out at the vista beyond the tables and umbrellas, it makes me question Why? Why can’t EVERYONE be allowed in the Fancy Grill? The answer is clear to me now: Not everyone was intended to be here. I just count my blessings that I’m one of the few who made it.

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