Coworkers Agog As Employee Introduces New Shirt Into Rotation

LANCASTER, PA—Awestruck by the sight of their longtime colleague struggling out of his jacket and adjusting his cuffs, coworkers found themselves agog Monday as data analyst Drew Terrell introduced a new shirt into his wardrobe rotation. “Oh, my God, he got a new shirt,” said Terrell’s cubicle neighbor Kelly Brennan, accurately summing up the sentiments of her officemates, all of whom could be seen murmuring and nodding amongst themselves due to the article of clothing. “Tell me you’ve seen Drew’s shirt? Come on, scoot over so you can get a better look. See? He is wearing it now. Powder blue.” At press time, sources confirmed Terrell’s colleagues would be disappointed later in the week when the data analyst arrived for work in one of his old and previously worn shirts.

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