
Cow Genome Outlined

After six years of work, 300 scientists have unraveled the bovine genome, which may lead to better milk and meat production. What do you think?

Richard Infield • Systems Analyst

“If that only took six years, then shrimp is going to be easy.”

Richard Infield • Systems Analyst

Eileen O’Connor • Creative Director

“We can map the genome, but will we ever unravel the bovine mind?”

Eileen O’Connor • Creative Director

David Regan • Bank Teller

“All that in just six years? Wow, that’s so amazing. If you can’t tell, I’m being sarcastic. And I’m being sarcastic because I don’t understand the significance of the study.”

David Regan • Bank Teller

Sample front page of The Onion's DNC paper