
‘Cosmo’ Finally Features Sex Tips For Lesbians

After years of publishing sex tips and guides intended for heterosexual women, Cosmopolitan magazine has published its first-ever sex guide for lesbians, “28 Mind-Blowing Lesbian Sex Positions.” What do you think?

Duncan Verlin • Paper Plate Separator

“A year ago I would’ve said no way, but now, I think society is finally ready to see sanitized, awkwardly captioned depictions of lesbianism.”

Duncan Verlin • Paper Plate Separator

Christina Savini • Audience Coordinator

“I hope they’re ready to deal with anger from conservatives who favor a more traditional definition of mind-blowing sex positions.”

Christina Savini • Audience Coordinator

Anthony Romero • Flag Folder

“Lesbians must be ecstatic that they can finally start having sex correctly.”

Anthony Romero • Flag Folder