After the renowned hip-hop artist praised Hitler and Nazis in an interview with Alex Jones, The Onion asked prominent conservatives how they felt about Ye’s appearance on Infowars.
Tucker Carlson
“Okay, fine. I’ll say it: He’s one of the good ones.”
Kellyanne Conway
“I’m soaked.”
Jordan Peterson
“Well, buried within Ye’s commentary is a cogent point, but in order to discover that point, we’ll have to ask ourselves, What is morality? What is value? Who is Hitler? What is Hitler? Why is Hitler? How is Hitler?…”
Marjorie Taylor Greene
“I denounce Black people in the strongest terms possible.”
Adolf Hitler
“While I disagree with his delivery, if you focus on the substance, you’ll find that he actually made some pretty good points.”
Steve Scalise
“This is exactly what we knew would happen when we freed the slaves.”
Mitch McConnell
“Podcasting is never okay.”
Brett Stephens
“I wish Kanye would be 10% more subtle about his correct hatred for the Jews.”
Ronald Reagan’s Corpse
“I can’t hear anything under all this dirt!”
Tom Cruise
“What he said was antisemitic, but Hitler doesn’t deserve to be canceled for it.”
Ted Cruz
“I find Ye’s comments completely reprehensible, unless he orders me to campaign for him in 2024.”
Kyle Rittenhouse
“He looks like someone I should kill, but he sounds like someone I should like. Brain…no…like…that?”
Ben Shapiro
“It’s pretty antisemitic that when I publicly spout similarly antisemitic hate I get way less blowback.”
Donald Trump
“I had no idea who Hitler was when Kanye brought him along to dinner.”