
Computer Passes Turing Test, Successfully Impersonates Human

A computer program in the U.K. has arguably passed the famous Turing test, an evaluation to determine whether machines can be considered to have artificial intelligence, by convincing one-third of a judging panel that they were chatting with a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy. What do you think?

Tom O’Neill • Lightswitch Tester

“Kudos to the programmers, who not only passed the Turing test, but somehow persuaded people to chat with a 13-year-old boy in the first place.”

Tom O’Neill • Lightswitch Tester

Adam Felber • Laboratory Assistant

“Great ruse, since I can’t think of a single question to ask about present-day Ukraine to try to stump it.”

Adam Felber • Laboratory Assistant

Jeanne Simpson • Kiln Operator

“We all knew the day would come when computers would usurp the position of 13-year-old Ukrainian boys in our society.”

Jeanne Simpson • Kiln Operator