
Computer Countdown To '00

There is widespread fear among computer experts that the turn of the millennium will create vast problems, as computers across the world—programmed with only the last two digits of a year—will mistake 2000 for 1900. What do you think?

David Charbonneau • Carpet Salesman

“I pray that a solution is found. What will happen to my Ms. Pac Man high scores?”

David Charbonneau • Carpet Salesman

Robyn Lipman • Systems Analyst

“I hope this problem won’t affect the hovering space cars we’ll be driving in 2000.”

Robyn Lipman • Systems Analyst

Wally Putnam • Landscaper

“My computer went all crazy on me the other day. But I think it was because I ejaculated all over the keyboard.”

Wally Putnam • Landscaper

Rachel Stryzinski • Librarian

“Without a computer, how will I speak to my friends in Japan, order a bouquet of roses

Rachel Stryzinski • Librarian

Pete Mortman • Choir Director

“In just three years, William McKinley will lead the country, the auto-mobile fad will be in full swing, and I shall sport a jaunty boater cap and wax my moustache!”

Pete Mortman • Choir Director

Mitchell Jessup • Chemical Engineer

“Open the pod bay doors, Hal… Hal? I won’t argue with you, Hal!”

Mitchell Jessup • Chemical Engineer