Sparked by Chinese Premier Jiang Zemin’s recent visit to America, many are calling for the U.S. government to refuse trade with China until it improves its human-rights record. What do you think?
“Do you realize that in China, those found guilty of murder are often put to death? The U.S. should not conduct business with such a country.”
Risa Sharp • Waitress
“We shouldn’t interfere with cultures we don’t understand. Perhaps, in China, impaling student protestors on sewage-encrusted bamboo stakes is a way of showing respect.”
Edward Szold • Systems Analyst
“If we were to cruelly deny the Chinese the great taste of Diet Coke via trade sanctions, we would be no better than them.”
Mitchell Orff • Ornithologist
“All I know is, if I have to listen to ’China Grove’ on Classic Rock 101.5 one more time,
Randy Ulrich • Gardener
“The Chinese who work at the Rice Bowl restaurant are guilty of severe
Liz Crandall • Student
“I don’t think it’s right that the Chinese should be allowed to meddle in the affairs of humans.”
Ben Rublowsky • Lawyer