BALTIMORE—During the cool-down lap that followed “Curlin’s” victory celebration immediately after the supposed three-year-old won the Belmont Stakes, loud arguing could be heard coming from inside the horse costume as veteran sprinters Carl Lewis and Michael Johnson discussed which man would pose as the rear of the 5-to-3 favorite in the upcoming Belmont stakes. “Man, I was the damn butt-end this time. It’s no picnic running behind your washed-up ass, you know? Next time I get to be out front and you get to be whupped on the shoulders,” said a voice presumed to be that of world-record holder Johnson. “Hell no, man, no way I’m pushing no slow little dude all the way around Belmont, you hear me? We won with me in front and we’re winning with me in front next month, so you best just get used to it back there,” said a voice sounding much like that of Olympic legend Lewis. Although it seems unlikely jockey Robby Alborado could have avoided hearing the argument occurring within his “colt,” witnesses say Alborado merely stared unblinkingly ahead through the exchange, squirming slightly.
Carl Lewis, Michael Johnson Argue Over Who Has To Wear Back End Of Curlin Costume For Belmont Stakes
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