Former Arkansas governor and Fox News personality Mike Huckabee announced his 2016 presidential candidacy Tuesday, becoming the sixth Republican hopeful to officially enter the race. Here’s what you need to know about Huckabee:
Born: August 24, 1955
Born Again: September 15, 1982
Voter Base: Future Scott Walker supporters
Concept Of Hellfire Plays Role In Worldview: Yes
Slogan: “Mike Huckabee? Sure, okay.”
Campaign Promise: Shore up Social Security to ensure it lasts until End Times
Political Advantage: Most likable candidate by default
Central Beliefs: Believes homosexuality is a choice; considers abortion akin to slavery; wants to bring common sense back to America
Biggest Strength: Last name has optimal number of syllables for chanting
Political Experience: Knows what it’s like to quietly fade away on big stage
Tour Bus: To-scale replica of Noah’s Ark
Campaign Goal: Strengthen salary negotiating position with Fox News