
‘Can You Help The Scab Get Into The Cereal Factory?’ Read Instructions On Back Of Kellogg’s Box

BATTLE CREEK, MI—Focused as he enjoyed the activity on the back of the package, local 9-year-old Carter McCauley was reportedly working on a maze on his Kellogg’s cereal box Thursday that read “Can you help the scab get into the cereal plant?” “Uh-oh, it looks like the greedy union workers are blocking our friend Toucan Scab’s way into the plant—can you help him find a path so we can break their strike?” read the text on the newly designed Fruit Loops cereal box, which challenged the reader to complete the maze to the unmanned production plant without running into any organizers or picket signs. “Watch out for the Kellogg’s workers’ crazy demands, like fair wages and health care. And be quick, our billionaire investors are depending on you!” At press time, McCauley had moved on to the fun facts on the side of the cereal box about how expensive union dues were.