VALLEY FORGE, PA—Wondering aloud whether some of the products appearing on his television were even real, local Caucasian man Landon McGill was reportedly ushered into an alternate world Wednesday when a brief viewing of BET exposed him to advertisements intended for African Americans. “Whoa, what’s happening—it’s like I’ve been transported to a universe where there are special online dating sites just for black people,” said McGill, who expressed surprise upon watching what he thought was a McDonald’s commercial just like any other he had seen, until he realized the family enjoying the fast food items was black instead of white. “These look like regular ads, but then they’ll be for shampoo brands and beauty products I’ve never heard of. Seriously, what’s going on here? It’s been 15 minutes and they haven’t shown a single Volkswagen commercial. I’ve never seen any of these shows before, either. I gotta tell my buddies about this.” At press time, sources confirmed a stunned McGill had begun to question his sanity after he changed the channel and discovered a baffling program in which everyone was speaking Spanish.
Brief Viewing Of BET Ushers Caucasian Into Alternate World Of African American Advertisements
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