Brian Kemp Campaign Energized After Seeing Early Voter Suppression Numbers

ATHENS, GA—Saying that the data heralded a promising outcome for election day, representatives from Brian Kemp’s gubernatorial campaign were reportedly energized Thursday after perusing early voter suppression numbers. “It’s very exciting to see that with five days to go before the election, thousands of Georgians have already unsuccessfully attempted to cast their ballots,” said communications director Ryan Mahoney, noting that while these figures were not entirely predictive, they indicated a strong likelihood that the number of minority voters turned away at polling places would be extremely high on Nov. 6. “We still have our work cut out for us, obviously, but the more people who are prevented from casting mail-in or provisional ballots ahead of time, the more resources we can expend towards keeping down the vote next week. So far, our expectations have been wildly exceeded, and if these trends continue, we may be seeing suppression levels that haven’t been reached since the 1950s.” Mahoney also urged Republican voters in urban areas to assist the campaign by making a plan to intimidate their friends and neighbors this upcoming Tuesday.