
Bosnian Gum company Introduces New War-Flavored Gum

ZAGREB—YugoBubble, Bosnia’s leading producer of gum and candy confections, cashed in on the enduring popularity of its country’s civil war by unveiling an exciting new war-flavored gum Monday. According to Yugo-Bubble spokesperson Radjan Miltin-ovic, the gum, known as Serb-licious Super Chew-Chew, will have an “exciting, edge-of-death war flavor, packed with pure chewing satisfaction and eight-year-long war goodness.” Said Milt-inovic: “Whether you’re visiting in-jured loved ones in the hospital or just hanging out in your basement, hiding from the enemy, Serb-licious is guaranteed to always keep things poppin’.” If the gum is successful, YugoBubble is already prepared to move forward with a full line of new gums, including a burned skin-flavored gum with a burst of shrapnel excitement in the middle.